The Shape of Things
Neil LaBute
Purple Masque Theatre
Kansas State University, Spring 2016

The four-character play explores how far someone is willing to go and how much they change for who (or what) they love. Two intertwined couples make up the story: the dating Evelyn and Adam and the engaged Phillip and Jenny. Evelyn is a graduate art student and Adam is an undergraduate English student at the same college who also works at a nearby museum as a security guard. Adam is a stereotypical nerdy guy--he’s an English literature major who has an appreciation for art and hasn’t had luck with women. He falls in love with Evelyn and willingly begins changing his physical appearance at her insistence. At first, it’s little things like losing some weight and letting his hair grow out. Then it becomes plastic surgery and cutting out his closest friends, all for what he thinks is the perfect relationship. But in life, like in art, appearances can be deceiving, and the truth is finally revealed in a gut-wrenching ending. Sometimes darkly funny and always gripping, The Shape of Things is a fascinating character study into the nature of love and art, and what happens when the two collide.
"Excellent show! ...really engaged the audience quite directly. I found myself right with the characters on stage, reacting with strong feelings of sympathy, vitriol, etc. And the well-cast actors really met the challenges of carrying the substantial and edgy script..."
-Dr. Kurt Gartner, Kansas State University School of Music, Theatre, & Dance
Production Team
Lighting Design: Mason Gates
Assistant LD: Evan Brittain
Sound Design: Blake Cordell
Assistant SD: Liberty Kalin
Scenic Design: Breann Davis
Costume Design: Kelsi Briggs
Technical Director: Ken Stark
Stage Manager: Chase Rossman
Assistant SM: Donovan Watts
Director: Mitchell J. Ward
"...Remember that proposal before the play proper began? The audience is prepared for the climax, and yet for first timers it will come as a surprise... ...Ward's production had a lot going for it..."
-G.W. Clift, Manhattan Mercury
Trace Campbell (Adam)
Victoria Everett (Evelyn)
Clay Massingill (Phillip)
Brooke Merriam (Jenny)
"Clear story and honest performances. Strong reactions from the crowd tonight.
Kudos to (Mitch), the cast and crew."
-David Mackay, Director of Theatre, K-State
Photos by K-State Theatre